How to Make Learning Fun for Young Kids

Many parents see their children lose strength almost as soon as they start school. They do not want to get up in the morning, it is difficult to do their homework. Children become distracted.

Obviously, they just ignore a lot of information. But, what is most unpleasant, children often come home from school irritated or offended. And we don’t recognise our kids. He went to school like on a holiday and now is sleepy, tortured and angry at everyone.

Are these the skills that the school provides? Or is it a payment for knowledge that, as you know, cannot be given without difficulty? How does it happen that by gaining one thing, we lose another? Previously, the child could not read, but was cheerful; now he can read, but for him reading is torment?

Why don’t kids have an interest in studying?

The reluctance to learn is manifested in the fact that children forget to do their homework, they have a mess in their textbooks and desks, in class they draw, look out the window, talk with classmates, they are bored in class. Such children may blame teachers for their poor grades, but more often they do not care about academic failure.

Why kids don’t want to learn? Even experienced teachers are not always ready to unequivocally answer this question, but we will try to give the most simple and effective ways to motivate your child.

What influences unwillingness to learn

1. Conflicts with teachers

Often, even the teachers themselves are unaware of the conflict with their pupils. They may notice that the student has poor academic performance, his behaviour has changed, although, as it seems to the teacher, there was no conflict as such. In fact, the child could hear unpleasant words addressed to him or harbour a grudge against the teacher’s behaviour. The child can feel depressed, feel fear, he develops a negative attitude towards the teacher. In most cases, children do not want to tell their parents about their fears related to school, this conserves the conflict and the difficulties associated with it.

2. Conflicts with peers

If such a problem has already developed, then it can be very difficult to align it without consequences for the child.

3. Physical defects

For example, stuttering, trembling limbs and others. It is very difficult for children to get used to the idea that they are somehow different from their peers. It becomes especially difficult in cases where the shortcomings cause bullying and laughter from classmates. Knowing about his problem, the child does not want to become the centre of attention, feel humiliated and once again appear at school.

4. Pressure on the child from parents and relatives

We set high standards for children, sending them to the best schools where education is conducted at a higher level, enrol in various sections. Just imagine how many hobbies parents are trying to give their children, without taking into account the opinion of the children themselves. Parents shout, resent, scold children if they bring bad grades or simply do not meet the results of their classmates. Consider if you are putting too much pressure on your children to do things they don’t want.

How to increase motivation to study

1. Teach your child in a playful way

Professionals at Insight Early Learning say that play is a unique instrument of pedagogical influence. If the child does not want to study, or he is unable to do something, you can always come up with a game in which he can complete the tasks you have given.

They use intellectual exercise games, competition-based training games, etc. These games show children the level of preparedness and fitness. By comparing with the opposite team, students themselves see their gaps in knowledge, this encourages cognitive activity in them.

The game form does not imply a standard assessment of the student, so even lagging children can be of interest.

2. Support your child in his hobbies

Do not impose your favourite activities, let him do his hobbies. Help children discover their hidden talents or develop existing ones, let them freely choose what fascinates them.

3. Small rewards

Encourage the child, praise for the result, but you should not do this in cash and in the form of expensive gifts. Otherwise, the time will come when the child wants to sell you the results of his labour at a higher price. For example, the rule “For every correct task – 1 candy” works much better than “For every good grade – a cake”. The candy is a kind of guarantee that the difficult homework is done in an atmosphere of trust, which in itself is already motivation.

4. Take an interest in what your child has learned in school, not in his grades

Show him how you can apply the knowledge gained, discuss his stories together. As often as possible, encourage the child to think, discuss. Remember that any assessment is a subjective thing, it is not an indicator of your child’s knowledge, but just his assessment by teachers.

The child is not required to be an excellent student, he has the right to receive bad grades. If he himself is upset because of the deuce, support and never scold. After all, you should be his friend and partner.

5. Minimise stress

Tell the children how you yourself overcame difficulties in school, how you coped with difficult tasks. Show what you have achieved now that you have walked this path. Talk together about your failures and fears.

The child should always know that he will be heard, and the problems will not be exaggerated.

Explain that stress is an integral part of life, teach them to cope with it so that in the future the child can overcome it himself.


The motivation for learning does not develop in one day, sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time. If you missed something in raising your child, it’s never too late to start building your relationship with trust and understanding. Do not forget that in no case should you beat, humiliate, shout at the child, because the school will end sooner or later, and your relationship will remain.
